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Shortage of specialists in churches - more pastor couples

Parishes in the north are not spared from the shortage of skilled workers. A number of pastors are gradually retiring - there is a lack of new recruits for the full-time job.

Candles burning before the Sunday service.
Candles burning before the Sunday service.

Professions - Shortage of specialists in churches - more pastor couples

Parishes in the north are not spared from the shortage of skilled workers. A number of pastors are gradually retiring - there is a lack of new blood for the full-time job.

However, working in the churches has become more attractive for couples because they no longer have to share a full-time position, but various models are possible. "We know of a number of married couples who enjoy their ministry. The trend is on the increase," confirms Michael Grimmsmann, responsible for promoting young talent in the regional church of Hanover.

He accompanies theology students and observes that the courses have become more diverse: "There are more women". According to him, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover currently employs 1586 pastors, 699 of whom are women. This is likely to change: "Of the 240 students of Protestant theology, two thirds are women who would like to work in our regional church later on," says Grimmsmann, who himself worked as a pastor in the Osnabrück region for more than seven years.

By 2030, around 50 percent of pastors in the regional church will retire. It is likely that around 90 to 100 positions will be vacant by 2030.

St. Nicolai Lüneburg St. Johannis Lüneburg Regional Church of Hanover

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