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Shortage of skilled workers looms in nearly one out of every seven professions.

Although there's been a minor reduction in some job categories, the overall lack of skilled labor still persists, as per BA's Andrea Nahles. [

There are shortages in the nursing and healthcare professions, among others.
There are shortages in the nursing and healthcare professions, among others.

Job market - Shortage of skilled workers looms in nearly one out of every seven professions.

Germany's 2023 Skilled Workforce Analysis by the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg found that seven out of every 1000 occupations face a shortage of skilled workers. Specifically, 183 professions out of the 1200 assessed encountered issues with filling vacancies. This is a small decrease compared to the previous year, where 17 more professions faced the same problem.

BA president Andrea Nahles noted that the decline isn't a sign of a long-term trend, but rather a momentary snapshot. She highlighted the role of demographics in the near future, as many seasoned and experienced skilled workers are expected to depart from the workforce. Half of the available positions in 2023 targeted workers in a shortage profession. Conversely, a large portion of the unemployed population did not come from such professions.

Shortages in certain industries were prevalent within care and health careers, trades, transportation, childcare, and social pedagogy, as well as the catering industry. The most affected technical professions were IT and building planning. However, there was some relief for construction workers, facade builders, and female and male engineers in the aerospace sector.

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