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Shocking news: malignant tumor in national player Eder

The diagnosis is made during a pre-season sports medical examination. Tobias Eder must start therapy immediately. The Bears, DEB, and national coach are heavily affected.

A malignant tumor was diagnosed in Tobias Eder.
A malignant tumor was diagnosed in Tobias Eder.

- Shocking news: malignant tumor in national player Eder

Ice hockey national player Tobias Eder is seriously ill. The 26-year-old forward of the Berlin Polar Bears has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor. This was announced by his club, the Berlin Polar Bears, and the German Ice Hockey Federation. The tumor was discovered during the capital club's sports medical examination before the season.

"Tobias informed us personally, I was able to speak to him briefly about the diagnosis today," said national coach Harold Kreis on behalf of the DEB in a federation statement. "Of course, we have promised him and his family all the support we can offer. We are by his side and send him all our positive energy and strength for the upcoming recovery process. The most important thing is that he gets well again."

The illness requires immediate therapy, the Polar Bears explained. Eder is already undergoing medical treatment.

Polar Bears shocked

Eder has been playing for the Berlin team since 2023, the professional born in Tegernsee was trained by the EC Bad Tölz. Via the EHC Red Bull Munich and the Düsseldorf EG, he made his way to the Polar Bears.

"At times like these, the sporting aspect takes a back seat. We are all shocked by Tobis illness," said Polar Bears managing director Thomas Bothstede: "His announcement hit each one of us at the Polar Bears like a blow and needs to be processed first. For Eder's full recovery, he and his entire family can count on our unwavering support."

Every member of the Berlin Polar Bears is providing support to Tobias Eder during his recovery. The shocking news of Eder's illness has put the sporting aspect aside for the team.

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