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Shocking incident: Scholz and Faeser react.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz was astonished by the violence in Mannheim, tweeting on Friday, "The images of Mannheim are appalling." He stated that numerous individuals had suffered severe injuries from an assailant. "My sympathies are with the afflicted," he expressed. "Any form of violence is...

Police officers are deployed during an incident on Mannheim's market square.
Police officers are deployed during an incident on Mannheim's market square.

Mannheim: Headline or Description Rewritten - Shocking incident: Scholz and Faeser react.

The federal interior minister, Nancy Faeser (SPD), expressed her dismay over a heinous crime. "The footage of this gruesome act of violence is beyond belief," she stated. She conveyed her sympathies towards the victims, especially the critically injured police officer. "My thoughts are also with the doctors and emergency response teams trying to save lives," Faeser added.

Faeser expressed that the police and legal authorities will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover the reasons behind the crime, including the background and motives of the perpetrator. "If we discover an Islamic motive behind this act, it'll further confirm the apprehensions we've expressed about the dangers of radical Islamist attacks," she said.

On Friday afternoon, a man launched an unprovoked attack on the Mannheim market square, injuring several individuals, believed to be attendees of an event. The incident was captured on video, and quickly spread online. The footage showed a man, armed with a knife, brutally stabbing innocent bystanders. Onlookers could be heard screaming for the attacker to surrender the weapon. The attack left a police officer in critical condition, requiring immediate medical attention.

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