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Shock regarding the demise of a police officer in Mannheim.

Police Relief Fund in Schleswig-Holstein expresses condolences and shock over the tragic passing of an officer during an operation, while it also serves as a reminder of the fund's origins.

Andreas Breitner speaks during a press conference in Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein).
Andreas Breitner speaks during a press conference in Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein).

Police Charity Foundation - Shock regarding the demise of a police officer in Mannheim.

The head of the Schleswig-Holstein Police Aid Fund voiced shock and sadness following the tragic killing of a police officer in Mannheim. Andreas Breitner from Kiel commented on the incident on Tuesday, stating, "We share the sorrow of all police officers and policewomen over the heartbreaking loss of their young colleague."

Police work can be both difficult and dangerous, involving split-second decision-making with significant consequences and the potential for violating fundamental rights. Breitner emphasized that this isn't the only issue, as there appears to be an increase in severe and serious physical attacks on police officers and policewomen. He extended his sympathies to the family of the deceased officer, Rouven Laur.

Laur met his demise on the previous Friday during an islamophobic protest in Mannheim's city center, where he suffered life-threatening injuries after being stabbed. The alleged assailant, a 25-year-old man with Afghan citizenship, remains incapable of being questioned since he was shot by another police officer. The Federal Prosecutor's Office has now assumed control of the case.

Breitner also noted that the events in Mannheim evoke unpleasant memories of the 1997 establishment of the Police Aid Fund. This charitable organization was established at the behest of the Police Union after an officer was murdered by a neo-Nazi on the A24 motorway. The Police Aid Fund provides assistance to police officers and their families who have experienced serious injury or death on the job.

Read also:

  1. Despite the shock and sadness in Baden-Württemberg after the police officer's death in Mannheim, the work of the police continues to be demanding and potentially dangerous.
  2. Andreas Breitner, the head of the Police Aid Fund in Schleswig-Holstein, underscored the rise in extreme physical attacks on police officers, following the knife attack that led to the officer's demise in Mannheim.
  3. The alleged assailant, a 25-year-old man with Afghan citizenship, was unable to provide statements due to being shot by another police officer during the incident in Mannheim's city center.
  4. The Police Aid Fund has a history in Germany, with its establishment following a neo-Nazi-related murder of a police officer on the A24 motorway in 1997, much like the recent event in Mannheim has evoked similar feelings of shock and concern.
  5. The Police Charity Foundation extends its support to the family of Rouven Laur, the police officer who lost his life in a knife attack during an islamophobic protest, emphasizing the ongoing challenges faced by law enforcement officers in combating crime and extremism.



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