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Shisha bar shooting murder trial restarts

The trial for the murder of a 27-year-old man who was shot dead in a Hamburg shisha bar more than a year ago has to be restarted. As the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court announced on Thursday, a lay judge is no longer able to take part in the trial due to a long-term illness. "It is not...

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Crime - Shisha bar shooting murder trial restarts

The trial for the murder of a 27-year-old man who was shot dead in a Hamburg shisha bar more than a year ago has to be restarted. As the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court announced on Thursday, a lay judge is no longer able to take part in the trial due to a long-term illness. "It is not procedurally possible to replace the judge during the ongoing main hearing, which is why the main hearing must start again with a different panel."

The new trial is scheduled to start on December 7. Further dates are scheduled for December 12 and 14 and every Tuesday and Thursday from January 9 until the end of February.

In the trial, the 25-year-old defendant is accused of shooting the 27-year-old in a shisha bar in Lübecker Straße in July 2022 together with an unknown accomplice. The prosecution accuses him of murder with malice aforethought and a crime under the War Weapons Control Act.

At the beginning of the trial, which began in September and has now been suspended, the defendant protested his innocence. "There is a young man in the dock who did not commit the crime charged," said his defense lawyer immediately after the arraignment on Tuesday. She also read out a statement on behalf of her client: "I had nothing to do with the murder. I did not commit the murder and was not the companion of the person who committed it."

Police statement from July 2022

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