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Ships and helicopters search for missing sailor

Far out on the North Sea, the seaman of a fishing trawler falls overboard in the middle of the night. Sea rescuers immediately set out to search for the missing man. But strong winds and high waves make the mission difficult. What chance is there of finding the sailor alive?

The rescue boat "Gillis Gullbranson" (archive photo). Several ships of the German Maritime
The rescue boat "Gillis Gullbranson" (archive photo). Several ships of the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) are searching for a sailor who has gone overboard.

Emergencies - Ships and helicopters search for missing sailor

A large-scale search operation for a missing sailor has been underway in the German Bight in stormy weather and high waves since last night. The crew member of a fishing trawler had fallen overboard into the ten-degree North Sea, according to the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service ( DGzRS ). The ship's crew then alerted the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Bremen, which is coordinating the search and rescue operations, on Wednesday night.

Several rescue ships and helicopters then made their way to the remote scene of the accident, far out in the German Bight, more than 110 kilometers west of the offshore island of Helgoland. The rescue cruisers "Hermann Rudolf Meyer" from Heligoland, the "Ernst Meier-Hedde" from Amrum and the "Theo Fischer" from Nordstrand and the "Pidder Lüng" from List on Sylt were deployed.

In addition to the long journey, adverse weather conditions made the search operation particularly difficult. According to the sea rescuers, there is a force nine gale at the scene of the accident. There are swells with waves between four and five meters high. Far out at sea, the rescue teams also have to communicate via channels other than VHF radio - such as satellite phones.

The missing sailor was one of a crew of eight on a 24-metre fishing vessel flying the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is still unclear exactly how the accident occurred.

Commercial and government vessels as well as a research vessel and a cruise ship were also involved in the search in the sea area. The crew of a car transporter initially took charge of the operation on site on behalf of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center. Two rescue helicopters also took part in the search: one from the "Sea Lion" naval aircraft from Nordholz and a search and rescue helicopter from Denmark.

After hours of operation during the night, the first rescue teams and ships were relieved, according to the DGzRS. "The operation is still ongoing," said a DGzRS spokesperson on Wednesday morning. The rescue helicopter of the naval aviators was to search the search area again in the morning. Several government vessels, including the emergency tug "Nordic", were at the scene this morning.

The DGzRS spokesperson said that the chances of the missing seaman surviving in the cold North Sea depended on several factors. Decisive factors include his state of health, his physical condition and whether the seaman was wearing protective equipment.

DGzRS press release

Read also:

  1. Despite the challenging weather conditions with force nine gales and waves up to five meters high, several rescue ships from locations such as Heligoland, Amrum, Nordstrand, and Sylt, as well as the "Pidder Lüng", were dispatched from their home bases in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony to assist in the emergency operation in the North Sea.
  2. The German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) noticed heightened undulation in the area, making it even more complex for ships and helicopters to communicate and navigate.
  3. The German Bight incident involved a fishing trawler crew member who went overboard from a 24-metre vessel flying the flag of the United Kingdom, causing strong concern among the DGzRS and prompting an extensive collaboration with authorities from Bremen and the surrounding coastal regions of Germany.
  4. One of the rescue helicopters in the operation was from Denmark, underlining the international cooperation in addressing emergencies at sea, such as the vast North Sea with its complex and often dangerous conditions.
  5. As part of the collaborative effort, commercial and government vessels also joined the search, including a research vessel and a cruise ship, contributing vital resources to locate the missing sailor and coordinate safety measures.
  6. Always prepared to act in times of emergencies, the DGzRS's spokesperson reminded that in the cold North Sea, factors such as the sailor's state of health and physical condition, along with protective equipment, would significantly impact the chances of survival.
  7. Local authorities in Bremen and coordinating centers across Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony played a critical role in organizing the search and rescue operations following the fallover incident, ensuring an efficient and multifaceted response to the marine emergency.


