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Sheep cold and heat in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

The temperatures in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland in June were more like autumn, but there was also heat. It also rained heavily in some places.

Clouds pass by in the blue sky.
Clouds pass by in the blue sky.

Weather - Sheep cold and heat in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

The June weather brought varying conditions to Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. Both heat and hail were present, as well as at times heavy rain. The temperature range in Rhineland-Palatinate ranged from around 15 degrees at the start of the month to over 30 degrees at the end, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach on Friday.

Overall, the average temperature in Rhineland-Palatinate was 16.4 degrees - slightly less than the nationwide average of 16.8 degrees. However, the average was still above the reference period of 1961-1990 with 15.3 degrees. In the second half of the month, stronger precipitation was also recorded. The sun shone an average of 205 hours nationwide. On average, 80 liters of precipitation fell per square meter.

A similar picture emerges for Saarland. After a hailstorm at the beginning of June, temperatures rose to over 30 degrees at the end of the month, according to meteorologists. The average temperature was 16.9 degrees, 1.3 degrees higher than in the reference period. The sun shone for 210 hours and the precipitation amounted to 89 liters per square meter.

DWD Communication

  1. Despite the cold feeling from the sheep due to the chilly weather in Saarland, temperatures still managed to rise, reaching over 30 degrees towards the end of June, as mentioned by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach.
  2. The weather conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland during June were quite diverse, with both extreme heat and heavy rainfall reported by the meteorologists in the region.
  3. The German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach reported that Saarland experienced slightly warmer average temperatures in June compared to the reference period, with 16.9 degrees, while Rainfall in the region was about 89 liters per square meter.
  4. Interestingly, the weather in Offenbach, located in Hesse, slightly imp influenced the weather conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, as indicated by the German Weather Service (DWD) reports.

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