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Sharp rise in the number of refugees in Saxony in 2023

The figures are not surprising, they are now available in black and white. Many more refugees have arrived in Saxony this year than in previous years. The Free State was prepared.

Asylum - Sharp rise in the number of refugees in Saxony in 2023

In the first eleven months of this year, 22,263 refugees arrived in Saxony, far more than in the previous year, when there were only 18,474 people. Refugees from Ukraine are not included in this figure.

As the Saxony State Directorate stated in a preliminary assessment, the challenges of receiving asylum seekers and people seeking protection from Ukraine were overcome thanks to close cooperation between the state and local authorities. At the end of November, 60,057 people from Ukraine who were receiving benefits in Saxony were still registered with the authorities.

"The capacity of the three reception centers of the Free State of Saxony was increased from 7743 to 9129 places within a year," the state directorate announced. An emergency shelter has been put into operation in the Dresden district of Prohlis. For the first time, Afghan local staff have also been accepted and accommodated in the accommodation in Chemnitz-Einsiedel. At the end of November, 5,806 places were occupied in the initial reception, which corresponded to an occupancy rate of 63 percent.

The number of refugees had risen sharply in recent years. At the height of the refugee crisis in 2015, around 69,900 people arrived in Saxony. In 2016, around 14,860 asylum seekers arrived in the state, after which the numbers fell sharply. In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, the flow of refugees also came to a virtual standstill, with only 4,463 refugees registered in Saxony in 2020.

According to the state directorate, most refugees this year came from Syria (4448), Venezuela (3018), Turkey (1711) and Afghanistan (1139). These are followed by the countries of origin India (631), Russia (344), Georgia (309), Pakistan (296), Iraq (272) and Iran (211).

At the end of October this year, 33,252 asylum seekers were living in Saxony. At the same time last year, there were 27,780. 13,477 foreigners were also living in the Free State at the end of October who were obliged to leave the country due to rejected asylum applications. However, 10,567 of these people had a tolerated stay permit.

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