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Sharp increase in questions to the government in the state parliament

Minor interpellations are an important instrument for the opposition to get to the bottom of the government. However, the number of questions has risen sharply - which puts a strain on the Ministry of the Interior, among others, as Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) describes.

NRW Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul in Dü
NRW Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul in Dü

Sharp increase in questions to the government in the state parliament

The opposition in the state parliament has already submitted 2808 so-called minor questions to the state government in the current legislative period. This is a sharp increase on the previous legislative period, when, according to the state parliament database, only 1662 minor questions were submitted in the same period (17 months).

Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) recently raised the issue in the state parliament because the SPD parliamentary group had complained about a lack of answers regarding police operations in refugee accommodation. Reul emphasized that his ministry alone had received almost 600 minor inquiries "for lead response" since 1 June 2022. "In other words, at least one minor interpellation lands on our desk every day - on weekdays, Sundays and public holidays," said Reul. The number has risen sharply.

The statistics of the state parliament confirm Reul. According to these statistics, the AfD parliamentary group submitted by far the most minor questions in the current legislative period (1623). The SPD submitted 709 minor interpellations, the FDP 472, and the SPD and FDP submitted one jointly. The non-attached MP Christian Blex submitted three minor interpellations. As usual, the government parliamentary groups did not submit any questions.

The instrument of the minor interpellation (a major interpellation is submitted less frequently) is used by the opposition to put the government on the spot. They often deal with current debates, media reports or criminal cases, for which details are requested. According to the state parliament's rules of procedure, the state government has four weeks to respond. The opposition had recently criticized the fact that it often takes longer.

The SPD parliamentary group has pointed out the need for more answers from the government on police operations in refugee accommodation, contributing to the sharp increase in minor questions directed at the state government in Parliament. The various opposition parties, led by the AfD with the most submissions, are using the minor interpellation instrument to hold the government accountable, often during periods of heightened public interest or criminal investigations.


