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"Sextortion": Increased Threat of Extorting with Intimate Images

A virtual romance, alluring praise, and ultimately a demand for explicit pictures - what starts as a dreamy connection can quickly turn into a nightmare. The Saxony police report an increase in sextortion cases.

A man scrolls through a porn site on his cell phone.
A man scrolls through a porn site on his cell phone.

Illegal Activities - "Sextortion": Increased Threat of Extorting with Intimate Images

The rate of "sextortion" instances in Saxony has almost doubled in 2023 compared to the year prior, as per the Dresden-based State Criminal Police Office (LKA). In this scheme, individuals are coerced to disclose intimate images and subsequently threatened. LKA's records indicate that cases went from 362 in 2022 to 618 in 2023, with a rise of 256 cases. The financial loss as a result increased from 76,634 euros in 2022 to 145,679 euros in the latter year. It is estimated that there are many more unreported instances.

"Sextortion" has been a well-known fraud tactic for some time, with state criminal police departments across the country warning against it. Victims are targeted by criminals posing as different people on social media and online platforms using fake identities. After engaging in flirtatious interactions or chats, they're convinced to send intimate photos. The criminals then pretend to be in love and, upon receiving the images, threaten to make them public and sometimes demand large amounts of money.

Based on LKA data, these cases can be quite complex to solve. Their solution rate is thus relatively low. In the previous year, only 18 cases were concluded, while in the year before that it was four. "The perpetrators generally operate under false identities and with falsified images," said a spokeswoman. Moreover, the perpetrators often reside abroad, further complicating the investigations. The LKA thinks that "improving and simplifying international cooperation" is essential.

While the majority of victims in the so-called "romance scamming" are usually older, younger individuals and even children are also susceptible to "sextortion." In the last two years, nearly all of the victims in Saxony were male.

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has identified "sextortion" as one of the top 3 threats in the "Society" category within its 2023 IT security report, along with identity theft and phishing.

For more details on "sextortion," check out the White Ring on "Sextortion" resources.

Read also:

  1. The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Dresden, LKA-Saxony, notes that over half of the blackmail cases related to 'sextortion' in 2023 were reported from Dresden and other regions in Saxony, highlighting the significance of this issue in the broader Internet context.
  2. In an effort to combat the rise in 'sextortion' cases, LKA-Saxony and law enforcement agencies in LKA-Dresden have launched an outreach program to educate individuals about the dangers of sharing intimate images on the Internet and the risks of falling victim to such cybercrimes.
  3. In light of the increase in 'sextortion' cases, the situation has led to calls for international cooperation and improved communication between law enforcement agencies, as the offenders often reside outside of Germany, raising concerns about the effectiveness of local law enforcement in addressing this crime, particularly in regions such as LKA-Dresden.



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