Current Climate Condition - Severe weather incoming with thunderstorms covering northern Germany.
Spring showers take center stage in northern Germany during the final week of May. The Weather Service of Germany (DWD) predicts storms and heavy rain from late Sunday afternoon. Wind gusts of 70 km/h may also make an appearance. Some regions might experience thunderstorms accompanied by heavy downpours and hail.
Northern temperature highs will hover around 22-24°C, with 19°C on Heligoland and the Baltic Sea. By Sunday night, showers, thunderstorms, and strong winds will gradually dissipate, leaving 13°C as the magic number.
As Monday progresses, DWD forecasts continued rain showers and possible thunderstorms, particularly in the eastern half of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Along the west coast, however, days will remain dry and pleasant. The DWD estimates temperatures on Heligoland at 18°C, around 20°C around Husum, and a balmy 23°C in the heart of Hamburg. Tuesday will see the return of thunderstorms and heavy rain, with temps dropping to a cooler range of 11-13°C.
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- Despite the spring showers, the Weather Service of Germany (DWD) warns of an incoming severe weather situation with thunderstorms affecting northern Germany on late Sunday afternoon.
- The storms expected in northern Germany, including Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, might also include thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rain and hail, forecasted by the DWD.
- The severe weather conditions extending across northern Germany, from Hamburg to Heligoland and Schleswig-Holstein, may see wind gusts of up to 70 km/h, as predicted by DWD.
- On Sunday, thunderstorms, heavy rain, and strong winds will blanket northern Germany, affecting areas like Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and even remote Heligoland in Northern Germany.