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Severe, unrelenting rain sweeps through the south and east; authorities issue warnings for dangerous weather conditions.

Severe weather warnings have been reissued by meteorologists and authorities, anticipating intense rainfall in southern and eastern Germany from Friday. The German Weather Service (DWD) stated on Thursday that areas including Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Thuringia, and Saxony face the risk of...

Warning sign
Warning sign

Severe, unrelenting rain sweeps through the south and east; authorities issue warnings for dangerous weather conditions.

The upcoming weeks are set to bring heavy rainfall and possibly thunderstorms to specific regions in Germany, with the initial center of the storm over Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The dangerous weather conditions are expected to continue until Sunday.

Regions that will be most affected are those between the Alps and the Allgäu, running through Franconia to the Thuringian Forest and the Erzgebirge, based on forecasts by weather experts. Surrounding regions like the Black Forest and Lusatia will also experience substantial rainfall in the near future.

Officials in the impacted states are reporting their worries and preparing for the oncoming weather event. Environmental minister Wolfram Günther from Saxony urged citizens to take the flood warnings seriously and adjust accordingly. In an effort to create extra storage capacity, water will be released from dams in these areas.

In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, warnings for possible flooding have already been issued. The Baden-Württemberg flood forecasting center has stated that significant and rapid increases in water levels are expected to occur starting Friday. While there is still some speculation regarding specific hotspots, the eastern part of the state is predicted to bear the biggest brunt of the rain.

The Bavarian Flood Information Service explains that due to the intense rainfall which started during the night, there is a risk of increased water levels across all districts of the state. Precise predictions on flood heights and locations are currently impossible due to constantly shifting meteorological conditions. The situation is under constant observation.

The German Fire Brigade Association has advised people in the afflicted regions to be mindful of their surroundings. "Avoid walking on flooded roads and pathways," the association in Berlin requested, noting that the water might be deeper and the current stronger than anticipated. They also cautioned against staying in basements as they are not entirely safe spaces. Additionally, people should stay clear of forests and slopes due to the possibility of fallen trees and landslides.

It is believed that the extreme rainfall is due to a Vb weather situation, wherein a low-pressure system with Mediterranean moisture is obstructed by high-pressure regions and pushes northwards towards Central Europe. As the warm, moist Mediterranean air collides with cooler air, heavy rainfall is the result.

Flooding has previously been reported in the Saarland and certain areas of Rhineland-Palatinate two weeks ago, inflicting considerable damage. Rivers and streams have overflowed, including in the state capital of Saarbrücken.

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