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Severe rainfalls predicted for southern Brandenburg.

Weather experts forecast heavy rain and potential thunderstorms in southern Brandenburg beginning Saturday afternoon.areas may endure up to 40 liters of rain per square meter in a brief period, according to a German Weather Service representative. Multiple thunderstorms may strike certain...

A thunderstorm cell with dark clouds moves across the landscape in the district of...
A thunderstorm cell with dark clouds moves across the landscape in the district of Märkisch-Oderland in East Brandenburg.

Meteorological Conditions - Severe rainfalls predicted for southern Brandenburg.

Because of the impending poor weather conditions, the Children's Day celebration in Spremberg had to be called off out of safety concerns for the little ones. The days prior in Brandenburg experienced significant showers. Meanwhile, Germany is undergoing heavy rainfall right now, causing water levels to rise and putting some rivers at risk of bursting their banks.

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