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Severe jail terms imposed in court for committing murder, resulting in a fine of 9,000 euros.

Two unsuccessful heists resulting in no gains, followed by harsh physical attacks on their victims. Consequently, these youths will face extended incarceration.

Two tragic occurrences, one resulting in death, prompted the Higher Regional Court in Hamburg to...
Two tragic occurrences, one resulting in death, prompted the Higher Regional Court in Hamburg to impose substantial prison sentences on two young individuals. (Archive photo)

- Severe jail terms imposed in court for committing murder, resulting in a fine of 9,000 euros.

In a criminal trial revolving around 9,000 Euros in Hamburg-Neuallermöhe, the local court handed down lengthy juvenile sentences to two young individuals. A 20-year-old was convicted of murder in coordination with an attempted aggravated robbery leading to death and severe bodily harm, receiving a sentence of eight years and nine months. His 19-year-old co-defendant was sentenced to seven and a half years for attempted homicide and other offenses.

As per the prosecution, the two German suspects planned to meet the victim on January 20, 2024, under the pretense of selling him drugs for 9,000 Euros. Upon the victim's arrival with an associate, they reportedly engaged him in conversation before unexpectedly and intentionally placing him in a headlock and brandishing a knife.

The victim succumbs three days later

When the accomplice resisted and others noticed the situation, the younger defendant bolted. The 20-year-old, however, forced the resisting 35-year-old to the ground and stabbed him at least twice in the upper body and abdomen with a knife. As the victim attempted to flee, the 20-year-old pursued him to recover the money. The gravely wounded man boarded a waiting vehicle and perished three days later in the hospital due to multi-organ failure, despite comprehensive medical care.

Younger defendant engages in a second severe robbery

The younger defendant acknowledged a second severe robbery at the onset of the trial. On July 1, 2023, in Hamburg-Lohbrügge, he assaulted and robbed an extremely intoxicated man. Upon discovering no money in the stolen wallet, he returned and brutally kicked the unconscious man in the head with full force. He ceased his attack only when a witness appeared on the scene.

The victim sustained a broken nose. The verdict was announced on August 19, however, the court's press office only recently disseminated the information. It remains undetermined if the judgment has attained legal validity yet.

In light of his involvement in the fatal incident, the 20-year-old is now facing the possibility of imprisonment due to his conviction. Following his release from custody, the younger defendant was also implicated in another robbery, which could potentially extend his time in imprisonment.

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