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Severe cyber attack hits CDU according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

After a hacker attack on the SPD, the CDU has now become a victim as well, with a large-scale cyber attack occurring recently. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution...

Picture from the CDU party conference
Picture from the CDU party conference

Severe cyber attack hits CDU according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

A representative from the BMI stated that the manner in which the attack was carried out suggested a highly trained actor. BSI and BfV were working together to investigate the severe incident and minimize any further harm. Initially, the extent of the impact on the CDU and the attacker itself wasn't discussed by the ministry. BfV planned to release a warning to all parties present in the Bundestag later on the same day.

"In response to these digital and hybrid risks, our security authorities have taken heedless actions," said the BMI spokesperson. "It's a reminder of the importance of these countermeasures right before elections."

It was reported that Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had spoken with CDU leader Friedrich Merz regarding the incident.

Records from government circles mentioned that the previous year, the group APT 28, which was controlled by the Russian military intelligence service GRU, had targeted the SPD and several German businesses in the logistics, defense, aviation and space, and IT sectors, as well as various foundations and associations. According to the Federal Interior Ministry, multiple email accounts belonging to the SPD had been compromised.

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