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Several unconstitutional symbols discovered near Leipzig

Several Nazi symbols were discovered in the surroundings of Leipzig. The State Protection Department is investigating.

In Delitzsch, police officers were able to detain a 40-year-old German suspect based on a tip-off.
In Delitzsch, police officers were able to detain a 40-year-old German suspect based on a tip-off.

- Several unconstitutional symbols discovered near Leipzig

In the Leipzig region, the police have discovered several police-critical and neo-Nazi symbols. In the municipality of Zschepplin, the removal of a more than 1.5-meter-high inscription in white and red at a bus stop was initiated, as the police reported. In the Belgern-Schildau area, unknown individuals also defaced a cigarette machine with a neo-Nazi symbol. Additionally, officers in Delitzsch apprehended a 40-year-old who shouted a seditious slogan loudly during the night from Saturday to Sunday. The State Protection Department is investigating all three cases.

A week ago, a seditious neo-Nazi symbol was affixed to a kindergarten in Leipzig.

The Leipzig authorities are considering increasing surveillance in response to the recurring appearance of police-critical and neo-Nazi symbols. The police are also looking into the individual who disrupted peace by shouting a seditious slogan near a kindergarten last week.

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