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Several pupils in Hanau injured by irritant gas

One hand holds a canister of pepper spray.
One hand holds a canister of pepper spray.

Hanau - Several pupils in Hanau injured by irritant gas

Multiple students at a Hanau school were injured by tear gas on Thursday. Sixteen people were treated ambulantly for respiratory irritations, as the police announced on Thursday. The police are investigating for dangerous bodily harm against three students aged 14 to 16. The oldest of the youths was temporarily arrested, it was reported. The affected area of the school was cordoned off and ventilated. The police investigation is ongoing.

Police statement

The incident involved the temporary arrest of a student by the Hanau police, who are investigating the use of irritant gas as a potential dangerous bodily harm case against three teens. Following the emergency, extra safety measures were taken, such as recruiting additional police presence and securing the school area for ventilation.

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