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Several protests across the country demanding enhanced measures against climate change.

Protests for greater emphasis on environmental issues occurred in various German cities on Friday. This was in response to a request from the climate advocacy organization Fridays for Future prior to the impending European elections. The demonstrations were set to take place in approximately...

Climate demonstration in Berlin
Climate demonstration in Berlin

Several protests across the country demanding enhanced measures against climate change.

In Germany and across Europe, we've let everyone know today: The new EU Parliament is responsible for intensifying efforts towards climate protection. Annika Rittmann from Fridays for Future Germany emphasized that this parliament should not be cowed by those who desire a return to the era of combustion engines.

Fridays for Future has called for a pan-European phase-out of coal, oil, and gas by 2035. They're also pushing for a 100% increase in funding for renewable energy and environmentally-friendly businesses. As per Fridays for Future, more than 13,000 people participated in the protests in Berlin. However, the Berlin police only registered 5,200 participants.

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