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Several hundred Saxony-Anhalt residents respond to warning strike call

The next round of collective bargaining for state employees is due to take place in Potsdam on Thursday. Before then, the unions are once again calling for warning strikes. Universities are in the spotlight, as are government offices and authorities.

"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.
"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.

Collective bargaining - Several hundred Saxony-Anhalt residents respond to warning strike call

Several hundred public sector employees in Saxony-Anhalt responded to the unions' call for a warning strike on Wednesday. Around 500 people took part in the south of the state, said Verdi union secretary Johannes Mielke. Employees of the university and the university hospital took part, as well as employees of state authorities. According to Verdi, around 150 people from offices, authorities, universities and ministries took part in the north of the state.

Due to many cases of illness, expectations were not quite met, but the willingness to strike was high, said Annett Kannenberg-Bode, Managing Director of the Verdi district of Saxony-Anhalt North. If the employers do not present an acceptable offer in the upcoming round of collective bargaining, there will be further industrial action.

"The world around us is changing rapidly, and the work that state employees do is more demanding than ever," explained Simona König, Verdi district manager for Saxony-Anhalt South. "It is therefore only fair that their pay keeps pace with that of the federal and local governments." In the upcoming round of negotiations from 7 to 9 December, an offer is expected from the collective bargaining community of the federal states "that is an expression of appreciation for the people who give their best every day".

The next round of collective bargaining with the federal states is planned for this Thursday in Potsdam. Among other things, the unions are demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, but at least 500 euros. Salary increases for around 2.5 million employees are being negotiated nationwide.

The Left Party supports the demands. "The public sector needs recognition and a good salary structure," explained Left Party state chairman Hendrik Lange. "If you don't want to exacerbate the staff shortage, you have to guarantee attractive working conditions."

Read also:

  1. The warning strike call in Magdeburg, the capital of Saxony-Anhalt, saw a significant participation from local public sector employees as well.
  2. The United Services Union, alongside other trade unions, has been actively advocating for better tariffs and improved working conditions during the collective bargaining process in Saxony-Anhalt.
  3. Following the warning strike, there have been ongoing discussions regarding the focus on improving the education sector in Saxony-Anhalt, with a particular emphasis on ensuring pay parity with federal and local government employees.
  4. The Trade Unions in Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg, have expressed solidarity with their Saxony-Anhalt counterparts and have called for fair and appreciative collective bargaining offers during the upcoming negotiations.
  5. The impact of the warning strike and the collective bargaining negotiations has raised concerns about potential trade implications, with some fearing that increased tariffs could hinder inter-state trade between Saxony-Anhalt and its neighboring states, including Brandenburg.


