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Several hundred participants at pro-Palestine demonstration

Several hundred people gathered in Hamburg on Saturday for an authorized demonstration under the slogan "Solidarity with the people of Palestine". The police initially spoke of around 350 participants. A dpa reporter spoke of more than 1000 demonstrators. The organizer, a private individual,...

Hamburg - Several hundred participants at pro-Palestine demonstration

Several hundred people gathered in Hamburg on Saturday for an authorized demonstration under the slogan "Solidarity with the people of Palestine". The police initially spoke of around 350 participants. A dpa reporter spoke of more than 1000 demonstrators. The organizer, a private individual, had expected up to 500 participants in advance.

The demonstrators held up placards and signs with phrases such as "Stop Islam-baiting" and inscriptions against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Many Palestinian flags were also on display. According to reports, there were no incidents until late afternoon. Everything was peaceful, said a police spokesman.

Unregistered and unauthorized gatherings in support of Hamas or its attacks on Israel are still prohibited in Hamburg until Sunday. A general order in force since mid-October was extended again last week. Regularly registered assemblies in the open air will continue to be intensively examined and confirmed by the assembly authorities, unless there are reasons for a ban, it said.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations also took place in other cities in Germany on Saturday. The background to this is the Gaza war. Since the bloody attack by the terrorist organization Hamas on Israel on 7 October and the Israeli counter-offensive, there have been repeated expressions of solidarity with one side or the other of the conflict.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Despite the prohibition of unregistered gatherings in support of Hamas' attacks on Israel, numerous Palestinian territories supporters held demonstrations in various cities across Germany, including Hamburg.
  2. The peacefulness of the pro-Palestine demonstration in Hamburg was commended by the police, who reported no incidents until late afternoon.
  3. Aside from the numerous demonstrators carrying placards and signs against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, various Palestinian flags were visible at the demonstration in Hamburg.
  4. The conflicts between Palestine and Israel continue to be a source of divisions, leading to numerous demonstrations and expressions of solidarity in different parts of the world, such as the War in the Gaza strip.


