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Seven Strategies for Saving Water in Your Garden This Season

You don't have to tear up your landscaping or invest in an expensive sprinkler system.

Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer
Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer

Seven Strategies for Saving Water in Your Garden This Season

During gardening season when the weather starts to heat up, you might observe a rise in your water bill. You could use drought-resistant plants for your yard, but there are other ways to lower your water consumption. Here are some techniques:

Employ a hose timer

A hose timer is a time management tool that ensures your hose operates at the most ideal time of day and for a certain length of time. Some smart hose timers even let you postpone your watering schedule in the case of rain to prevent overwatering. You can use a hose timer that connects to an app to keep track of your watering schedule and adjust as needed.

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Water during the right hours

Irrigating your garden or lawn in the midst of the day can cause a significant percentage of the water used to evaporate before it reaches the plants. Watering your garden early in the morning or late at night when the sun is down can save you water by maximizing the amount of water that gets to your plants.

Opt for drip irrigation

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Instead of using a sprinkler that throws water droplets into the air, think about using a drip irrigation system or a soaker hose that lies on the ground and emits water directly onto the soil. Drip systems economize water by ensuring less water is lost due to evaporation. You can also employ a drip hose or soaker hose in specific areas with plants that demand more moisture.

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Employ mulch in your garden beds

Applying mulch to the surface of your garden beds retains more moisture near the soil, slowing down evaporation and allowing more water to reach the roots of your plants. You can use either grass clippings or leaves, which are free, or wood mulch. If you decide to use wood mulch, check if you can get wood chips from Chip Drop. Just keep in mind that using wood chips will necessitate a large volume, so plan accordingly.

Direct your rainwater

Rainwater is a cost-free irrigation method. If you employ downspouts to divert water away from your foundation when it rains, you can add a downspout extension to direct rainwater away to your garden beds or plants that require more hydration. You could also consider installing a rain barrel with a downspout diverter if your region allows it. However, ensure you check for any local ordinances regarding the collection of rainwater.

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Utilize gray water

Using a gray water recycling system for your bath or laundry drains can be a viable way to reuse water that's been used for washing. Keep in mind that this solution may entail adding plumbing and could be costly depending on the intricacy of the project. An easier method is by using a basin when washing dishes and thereafter using the basin to irrigated your planters. Also, if your washer drains into a slop sink via a hose, add a water collection tank to your washer, enabling you to reuse the water for plants after it's been used for washing. Exercise caution in this case and avoid using water with high levels of food waste, such as salt, meat, or dairy, as it could cause issues for your plants.

Care for your irrigation system

Regularly check for leaks in any connections you use for watering, as well as any buried pipes. Inspect for moist areas or locations with spongy spots in your lawn as potential areas with leaks. Replace any hose valves you spot water coming through while they are turned off to prevent wasting water.

Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer
Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer
Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer
Seven Ways to Conserve Water in Your Yard This Summer

Read also:

After implementing these water-saving tactics in your garden, remember to extend these practices to your home as well. For instance, you could install a low-flow showerhead or a rain barrel to collect and reuse rainwater for household purposes. This way, you'll be saving water both in your garden and at home.

By following these strategies, you can significantly reduce your water consumption in the garden and contribute to water conservation efforts. Don't forget to share these tips with your neighbors or friends, as everyone can benefit from saving water. You can even encourage your community to take part in water-saving initiatives, creating a more eco-friendly and sustainable neighborhood.

