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Seven ideas: When chatbots can help us in everyday working life

AI at work

Chatbots such as ChatGPT are increasingly used in everyday life - and can also save time in...
Chatbots such as ChatGPT are increasingly used in everyday life - and can also save time in professional life.

Seven ideas: When chatbots can help us in everyday working life

You call them ChatGPT, Perplexity or Gemini: AI-based chatbots can be a real work relief in professions. For what tasks does AI particularly excel? A review.

AI chatbots, which ease the workday in professions and are not just a futuristic vision but a lived reality: What tasks are they worth using for? Seven ways to save time and increase productivity at work with digital tools:

  1. Composing emails

Do you sometimes spend hours crafting an email response without coming up with the right words that aren't rude? AI-chatbots can draft a comprehensive email response, says Janis Hecker, AI expert at the Bitkom Industry Association.

This can be done with the AI assistant in your email program or by using an external chatbot and pasting the email you need to respond to manually into the chat window. Additionally, the chatbot requires a brief instruction (prompt) to know exactly what it should do. This could be "Write a friendly rejection and suggest a new term in August" or also "Please ask for a new offer with a delivery date by the end of October".

  1. Generating ideas for texts

An AI-chatbot can be a good brainstorming partner. With AI-chatbots, for example, texts for flyers can be created, says Sören Schäfer, employee at the August-Wilhelm Scheer Institute for Digital Products and Processes. And here, too, give the chatbot a prompt with appropriate keywords. Possible is also any other type of text. "For example, posts for social media platforms or minutes from a briefing", says Hecker.

  1. Summarizing texts

Chatbots can help summarize texts. This can be useful in various places in the professional context. "From a long report, the AI can extract the key points", gives Sören Schäfer an example. The time savings are even greater with foreign language texts. The chatbots perform translation work at the same time.

  1. Structuring presentations

Who prepares a presentation or lecture professionally can use an AI-chatbot and ask for ideas for a structure. "This works particularly well in a dialog, like you would have with a colleague or colleague", says Hecker. For example, by commenting on the first suggestion from the AI and asking if a particular subtopic should be added. "You come step by step to a solution that is not AI-generated, but with AI support."

  1. Simplifying scheduling

Colleagues are looking for a date for a larger conference. With AI-chatbots, the process can be simplified. "This works best if the AI has access to all the calendars of the involved parties, for example in an office environment", says Hecker.

It is also possible if several people have written mails with potential dates. Then you can copy these into a chatbot and give the instruction "Find a date when all involved parties have time".

  1. Analyzing data

With AI-chatbots, data analysis can be facilitated. "This works particularly well when the AI has access to a large amount of data, for example in a data analysis environment", says Hecker.

Even if the data is spread across different databases or systems, the chatbot can be used to extract the necessary information and present it in a clear and understandable way. "The AI can also help in identifying trends or anomalies in the data", adds Schäfer.

Data, such as from a spreadsheet, can be uploaded into AI-Chatbots. Then users can ask questions about it - for example, regarding sales development. Or one can ask the AI to find anomalies. Answers are usually given in seconds by the Chatbots.

  1. Creating images

Certain Chatbots can create not only texts but also images. To do this, one describes the desired result, for instance: "Create an pencil drawing of an airplane taking off from the runway for me". The more concrete and detailed the description, the better the result, according to Hecker. Such images can be used to illustrate business reports or flyers.

Consumers in various professions can benefit from using AI-chatbots, as they can save time and increase productivity. Employees in different roles can utilize AI for tasks such as composing emails, generating ideas for texts, summarizing texts, structuring presentations, simplifying scheduling, analyzing data, and even creating images. Legal issues surrounding the use of AI and chatbots in the workplace may serve as advisors for employers, ensuring that their use aligns with professional standards and regulations. In some cases, the employer may be responsible for addressing potential issues arising from the use of AI chatbots in the workplace.

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