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Senior is driving in lines, ambulance is coming.

An 88-year-old's driving endangers other road users. The driver can be stopped - but an ambulance must be called.

Only by heavy braking can other road users avoid an accident.
Only by heavy braking can other road users avoid an accident.

- Senior is driving in lines, ambulance is coming.

An elderly driver put other road users at risk with his driving behavior in the Schwandorf district: The 88-year-old drove on the A93 from Nabburg in a serpentine manner, at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour and sometimes on both lanes, as the police reported on Friday. Near Schwandorf, the driver left the route and then drove back onto the A93 towards Nabburg. Before the on-ramp, he reportedly damaged several traffic signs.

Other drivers could only avoid an accident by braking heavily. The man was stopped at the Nabburg interchange. According to the police, he was in poor health. An ambulance was called. The officers confiscated the driver's license. A blood test revealed that the senior had taken many medications. The police are investigating for endangering traffic and leaving the scene of an accident.

The Driver's erratic actions led to several close calls, preventing accidents only due to other drivers' quick reflexes. Due to the series of events, an ambulance was necessary to assess the elderly driver's health, following his stop at the interchange.

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