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Senior hoarded weapons and chemicals: blast in field

Police have found several weapons and chemicals in the house of a senior citizen in Kirchardt (Heilbronn district). The officers had to detonate one of the substances in a field in a controlled manner, as a police spokeswoman said on Friday. According to the information, the 79-year-old has a...

The word "Polizei" ("Police") is written on the hood of a patrol car.
The word "Polizei" ("Police") is written on the hood of a patrol car.

Heilbronn - Senior hoarded weapons and chemicals: blast in field

Police have found several weapons and chemicals in the house of a senior citizen in Kirchardt ( Heilbronn district). The officers had to detonate one of the substances in a field in a controlled manner, as a police spokeswoman said on Friday. According to the information, the 79-year-old has a permit for the weapons and, at least in the past, also had an explosives permit, as he is the owner of an unspecified company. It is currently being investigated whether his permit to possess the chemicals had expired.

Three explosives experts from the State Office of Criminal Investigation were called in to assess the situation and secure the chemicals. Some of the explosive chemicals had not been stored in accordance with regulations. One of the chemicals had also violated the Explosives Act due to inadequate storage. This substance had to be detonated in a field after the inspection on Thursday. The spokeswoman was unable to say exactly which chemicals and weapons were found. It was also unclear whether ammunition was found.

The police discovery was accidental. According to the information provided, the officers on site were only supposed to support the official affairs of an unnamed authority. They discovered the weapons and chemicals in the house. The house is located in an industrial estate. There was no danger at any time, neither for the public nor for the officers, it was said. The senior citizen was not arrested.

Police press release

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