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Senior citizen defrauded of a mid-six-figure sum

A senior citizen receives a call from an alleged policewoman. The lady's daughter is said to have caused an accident. To avoid a prison sentence, she is asked to hand over a large cation.

The lady hands over cash three times on her own doorstep (symbolic image).
The lady hands over cash three times on her own doorstep (symbolic image).

Shock call - Senior citizen defrauded of a mid-six-figure sum

Fraudsters have obtained a medium six-figure amount from a Senior woman in Karlsruhe. That's an unusually high sum, said a Police spokesperson on a Wednesday. The fraudsters first contacted the 70-year-old woman on a Tuesday afternoon. A woman claimed to be a Police officer and stated that the woman's daughter had caused a serious traffic accident. The false Police officer then demanded a bribe to prevent a long prison sentence for the daughter.

Shortly thereafter, the fraudsters contacted the woman again and presented themselves as Doctors and Judges. Once more, large sums of money were demanded. Three times, the 70-year-old woman then handed over the money to the fraudsters - believing she was helping her daughter. The Criminal Police in Karlsruhe have taken over the investigation and are asking for tips.

The shocking incident of fraud in Karlsruhe has sparked concern throughout Baden-Württemberg, with the amount lost reportedly reaching a substantial six-figure sum. Despite the initial shock call on a Tuesday afternoon from someone claiming to be a Police officer, the fraudsters continued their deception by posing as Doctors and Judges, demanding even more money.

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