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Senator for Economic Affairs pays tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble

Berlin's Senator for Economics and SPD state chairwoman Franziska Giffey has paid tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble's services to Berlin and German unity. "I was always impressed by his clever and profound speeches, with which he spoke to the conscience of both the government and the...

The then President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) opens a meeting.
The then President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) opens a meeting.

Death - Senator for Economic Affairs pays tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble

Berlin's Senator for Economics and SPD state chairwoman Franziska Giffey has paid tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble' s services to Berlin and German unity. "I was always impressed by his clever and profound speeches, with which he spoke to the conscience of both the government and the parliamentarians and provided guidance," said Giffey on the death of the former Bundestag President and Federal Minister. "Perhaps his most important speech was the decisive factor in Berlin becoming the capital of a reunified Germany once again."

"Wolfgang Schäuble was a politician who always put the interests of the community and the country first and performed an outstanding service for the internal unity of Germany over decades," said Giffey. "I still remember well when I was able to congratulate our honorary citizen of Berlin, Wolfgang Schäuble, on his 80th birthday in the Rotes Rathaus," said the SPD politician.

"Especially now, in a time characterized by division and discord, his tireless commitment remains an obligatory legacy for all democrats," said Giffey. "With deep respect and gratitude for Wolfgang Schäuble, my sympathy goes out to his family and friends."

Schäuble fell asleep peacefully at home with his family on Tuesday evening at the age of 81. The family informed the German Press Agency on Wednesday. During his political career, he was a minister, CDU leader, parliamentary group chairman and President of the German Bundestag. No one belonged to parliament longer than him.

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