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Senate wants to push ahead with administrative reform

Kai Wegner has declared administrative reform a top priority. The Senate wants to make significant progress this year. In his view, he has taken an important step forward.

The Berlin Senate wants to make some progress with its announced administrative reform this year....
The Berlin Senate wants to make some progress with its announced administrative reform this year. (symbolic image)

Berlin - Senate wants to push ahead with administrative reform

Berlin's Governing Mayor is taking a long-term step further towards an administrative reform in the capital. Today, the Senate discussed the draft "Task Realignment for the Strengthening of Overall City Governance," as the Senate Chancellery reported after the session. Wegner considered the reform project a top priority. The goal is to make the Berlin administration more functional, improve cooperation between different administrative levels, and also strengthen overall city governance.

"We are working on the Berlin administration reform together"

In Wegner's view, it is especially important to review and reorganize jurisdictions and task distribution between districts and the Land Berlin. With the Senate proposal, the process of reorganizing tasks has begun. "We are working on the Berlin administration reform together – with all Senate administrations, with the districts, and with the House of Representatives," Wegner stated.

"We are on a good path and today, after the committee meetings with the district mayors and mayors, after the workshops, conversations with the city society, and political summit meetings, we have taken another important step." The common goal remains to pass the draft for a new State Organizations Law in the Senate by the end of the year.

Wegner aims for a unified jurisdiction catalog

In another step, the tasks of the main administration and the districts are to be raised and transferred into a unified jurisdiction catalog, according to the Senate Chancellery. "The process of task elevation is taking place in parallel in all Senate administrations and is expected to be completed by the end of the third quarter."

Subsequently, a task criticism is planned, aimed at identifying problems with jurisdictions and responsibilities and drawing conclusions from them. This should begin in this year, with the corresponding action recommendations then being implemented from the first quarter of 2025.

"This administrative reform is not just a matter for the Senate, but involves the Land Berlin as well, as we aim to harmonize jurisdictions and tasks between the districts and the central government."

During the discussion in the Senate, it was announced that Kai Wegner, the Governing Mayor, intends to establish a unified jurisdiction catalog, which will incorporate the tasks of both the main administration and the districts.

"The reform process in Berlin's administration has gained momentum, with the Governing Mayor leading the way in Berlin and coordinating with key players in Berlin's bureaucracy, including district mayors and representatives of various council committees."

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