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Senate wants to create basis for alcohol bans from 2024

A ban on weapons is already in place at Hamburg's main railway station - a ban on alcohol is soon to follow in adjacent squares. To this end, the Security and Public Order Act is to be amended. Now it's also clear when.

Various alcoholic drinks on a table.
Various alcoholic drinks on a table.

Hamburg - Senate wants to create basis for alcohol bans from 2024

The Senate has presented a draft bill to allow the imposition of alcohol consumption bans in Hamburg from April 1, 2024. "The Senate is authorized to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain publicly accessible areas - outside buildings and approved outdoor catering areas - by statutory order," the draft states.

The prerequisite for this is that "factual evidence justifies the assumption that misdemeanors or criminal offences are regularly committed there due to excessive alcohol consumption". The carrying of alcohol could also be prohibited in the relevant places if the drinks are intended to be consumed there. Violations are to be prosecuted as an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine.

It has been known since the summer that, following the ban on weapons at Hamburg Central Station, the Interior Ministry is also planning an alcohol ban on the adjacent Hachmannplatz and Heidi-Kabel-Platz.

Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher emphasized that the ban is a further measure to improve safety and cleanliness in public spaces. "It is an important concern of the many people who use the main station every day that it is safe and tidy," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. "Even in the late evening hours, people want to be able to travel home safely and without harassment from a visit to a restaurant, cinema or theater, for example."

A permanent weapons ban has been in place at the main station since October. In addition, joint "Quattro patrols" by the federal and state police as well as DB Sicherheit and Hochbahn-Wache have been in place since April as part of the "Safe Central Station Alliance".

The increased checks have led to a higher number of so-called control crimes being detected, said Tschentscher and emphasized: "However, this is not a sign that it is becoming less safe, but that it is becoming safer."

Draft law on alcohol consumption ban

Read also:

  1. The proposed alcohol ban will extend beyond Hamburg Central Station, potentially affecting areas like Hachmannplatz and Heidi-Kabel-Platz.
  2. The Senate's basis for implementing these alcohol bans hinges on evidence of regular criminality or misdemeanors due to excessive alcohol consumption.
  3. The turn of the year is often associated with increased criminality and traffic issues, making the alcohol ban a timely consideration for Hamburg's safety and cleanliness.
  4. Despite the alcohol ban, it's crucial to address the root causes of criminality, such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of opportunities, as argued by members of the German Senate.
  5. Peter Tschentscher, Hamburg's mayor, emphasized the importance of a safe and tidy main station, where passengers can travel home without harassment, even after late-night outings to restaurants, cinemas, or theaters.
  6. In addition to the permanent weapons ban at the main station, joint patrols have been established to further improve security, resulting in a higher number of detected control crimes, but also signaling a safer environment.
  7. If the draft law on alcohol consumption ban is passed, residents of Hamburg and visitors may need to adjust their behavior, potentially leading to changes in local bars, restaurants, and other social venues.




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