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Senate Proposes Record-Breaking Budget for Citizenship Issues

The Hamburg Senate has earmarked a substantial sum of around 22 billion euros per year for 2025 and 2026. Following approval from the Red-Green coalition in June, the Hamburg assembly is currently managing this substantial dual budget.

Senate Finance Member Andreas Dressel presents the substantial budget proposal for the upcoming two...
Senate Finance Member Andreas Dressel presents the substantial budget proposal for the upcoming two years, drafted by the left-leaning coalition of the Senate, to the Citizens' Assembly.

- Senate Proposes Record-Breaking Budget for Citizenship Issues

With an astounding estimated 44 billion euros, Hamburg's red-green administration has proposed their budget draft for the upcoming two years to the city council. The encompassing budget forecasts expenses of 21.4 billion euros in 2025, mentioned Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD). In 2026, the overall expenditure is projected to hit 22.4 billion euros. incredible investments totaling 6 billion euros are scheduled for both years.

As Dressel explained, the new double budget guarantees both the city's endurance and the maintenance of fundamental services even in difficult circumstances. "We're pouring resources into focal areas such as education, safety, housing construction, innovation and research, transportation, and environmental protection," he stated.

Adhering to all debt limit regulations, the Senator confirmed. "Investing and balancing the budget aren't mutually exclusive," he added. "We demonstrate that reconciliation is achievable."

The opposition raised concerns about the substantial 18% increase, or 6.7 billion euros, in total expenditures in the double budget, compared to the current one. "This excessive expansion is debatable and unsustainable," stated the CDU faction's budget analyst, Thilo Kleibauer. He also pointed out numerous problematic aspects in the Senate's strategy. "The proposed annual expansion of hidden costs to surpass 500 million euros is particularly questionable. Here, the Finance Senator is subverting the city council's financial oversight through accounting trickery."

The Left's budget spokesperson, David Stoop, accused the Senate of artificially impoverishing the city. "Tax revenues are systematically underestimated, and then, without warning, the Senate claims there's no funding for social compensation, education, or infrastructure investment," he mentioned. Stoop urged that the available funds be utilized responsibly towards need-based and future-oriented goals instead of being stowed away in reserves.

The AfD faction leader, Dirk Nockemann, criticized the Senate's financial planning for setting wrong priorities. He described it as a scandal that Hamburg allocates so many millions of euros towards asylum and refugees, at the expense of other important sectors. "This budget isn't future-proof," he declared.

The budget debate is anticipated to take place close to Christmas, following its passage through the city council's specialized committees in the coming weeks. The final three-day budget discussions and the ensuing plenary session vote are planned for the week before Christmas.

Finance Senator Dressel expressed his anticipation for the upcoming negotiations and "suggestions on how we can improve this solid budget in a few key areas." However, he usually anticipates counterfinancing proposals.

The Senate of Hamburg will present the proposed budget draft to The Senate of Hamburg for approval. Despite the opposition's concerns about the significant increase in expenditures and questionable accounting practices, the Senate remains committed to investing in key areas such as education, safety, housing, innovation, transportation, and environmental protection.

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