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Seminar explores alternative solutions to overcoming social isolation

The sense of isolation has grown stronger during the pandemic, particularly for younger individuals. NRW Chief Minister Wüst refers to this as a "contemporary social problem."

A woman stands at the window.
A woman stands at the window.

Community is Actually the Label For a Group of People Sharing Similar Concerns and Interests. - Seminar explores alternative solutions to overcoming social isolation

Today, at a gathering in the Dusseldorf State Chancellery, professionals, policymakers, and social figures will join together to explore potential advancements in the battle against loneliness. Among the attendees are Maike Luhmann, a researcher in the study of loneliness, and comedian Atze Schroder, who has discussed the subject multiple times with psychologist Leon Windscheid in their podcast "Guided Feeling."

During this conference, an inspiration paper with international policy suggestions to combat loneliness among youngsters will be unveiled. This document was devised by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Liz Mohn Foundation in collaboration with the North Rhine-Westphalia state government. The undertakings will undergo examination to determine their feasibility within North Rhine-Westphalia.

Prior to the main discussions, North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), will deliver a welcoming address. Upon assuming office, Wüst proclaimed the fight against loneliness on his banner and labeled it as "a new social issue of our era" that could also damage social cohesion.

Recently, Luhmann, an expert on loneliness, undertook a state-commissioned survey that revealed a substantial increase in loneliness among young people and young adults since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. According to scientific information, ongoing isolation can result in both physical and psychological ailments.

The week preceding this event witnessed the introduction of the Federal Family Minister's (Greens) comprehensive overview of the issue, known as the Loneliness Barometer. This resource identified single parents, elderly individuals, and migrants as populations more likely to suffer from loneliness. Paus divulged that loneliness will affect numerous individuals in Germany, with recent times demonstrating a substantial worsening of the problem in younger populations.

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