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Semi-trailer laden with melons ignites on B31 highway.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Infernos engulfing various locations. - Semi-trailer laden with melons ignites on B31 highway.

Angry flames engulfed a watermelon-laden truck on a Monday night, evidently erupting somewhere between the driver's compartment and the cargo trailer, according to the police's announcement. The driver safely steered the blazing vehicle to the shoulder of a road in Höhe Loeffingen, located in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. To extinguish the blaze and deal with the wreckage, targeted sections of the federal highway had to be blocked in both directions for some time. Due to the blaze and the firefighting foam, the juicy watermelons suffered significant damage and needed to be discarded.

Authority statement

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