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Selenskyj cautiously optimistic about new aid during US visit

During a visit to Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi expressed cautious optimism about further US military aid in the fight against the Russian invasion forces. "I received the signals, they were more than positive," Selenskyj said at a joint press conference with President Joe...

US President Biden (r.) and Ukrainian President
US President Biden (r.) and Ukrainian President

Selenskyj cautiously optimistic about new aid during US visit

He therefore wanted to wait for the results, said Selenskyj in the White House. Meanwhile, Biden promised that neither he nor the US population would leave Ukraine's side. If the international community were to allow Ukraine to defeat Russia, this would "embolden" Russian President Vladimir Putin and potential other aggressors.

At the beginning of his meeting with Selenskyj, Biden once again called on the US Congress to release additional funds for Ukraine "before they give Putin the biggest Christmas present they can give him". The US government also announced a new arms delivery to Ukraine worth 200 million dollars (around 186 million euros).

However, the funding for military aid for Ukraine is slowly running out. Biden had therefore already asked Congress in October for new aid for Kiev amounting to around 61 billion dollars. However, this has met with rejection from the opposition Republicans.

The conservatives made this clear once again on the day of Zelensky's visit to Washington. The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, said after his meeting with the Ukrainian president that Biden was asking Congress for billions of dollars "without adequate oversight, without a clear strategy for victory and without the answers that I believe are owed to the American people", said Johnson.

Among other things, Republicans are demanding further concessions from the Biden administration on US immigration policy and securing the border with Mexico. They can block new aid for Ukraine with their majority in the House of Representatives and their blocking minority in the Senate.

The USA is Kiev's most important supporter in the war against the Russian invasion forces. Since the start of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022, the USA has provided or pledged military aid to Ukraine amounting to more than 44 billion dollars. A US default would have serious consequences for Kiev. The western allies of the USA and Ukraine are therefore looking to Washington with concern.

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