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Seehofer enjoys "job" as pensioner before 75th birthday

On the eve of his milestone birthday, Horst Seehofer looks back - and says: Minister President is the best office - because "from the people's point of view, he is the successor to the Bavarian kings".

Horst Seehofer, former Bavarian Minister President, comes to an event.
Horst Seehofer, former Bavarian Minister President, comes to an event.

People - Seehofer enjoys "job" as pensioner before 75th birthday

Former Interior Minister and Bavarian CSU Minister-President Horst Seehofer enjoys his retirement life in his hometown of Ingolstadt before turning 75. "Being a pensioner is a nice job," Seehofer told the "Augsburger Allgemeine" (Saturday edition). "I call it a job because retirement life is only beautiful if you're active." He is active in local matters, universities, sports, and the church in Ingolstadt.

He enjoys his activities without deadlines and pressure, said the CSU honorary chairman. "People often think politicians have a cozy, privileged life," said Seehofer, who will celebrate his 75th birthday on the coming Thursday. "But in certain positions, you carry a heavy responsibility that often puts a great burden on you."

Looking back on his career, the CSU honorary chairman sees his time as Bavarian Prime Minister as the pinnacle. "Being Minister-President is the most beautiful office because, from the public's perspective, you're the successors to the Bavarian kings," said Seehofer to the newspaper. "But exactly from that comes a burden. You have to be focused from the first to the last minute when you're on the move in the country. If you only half-correctly pronounce the name of the place where you are, you can forget the rest of the appointment."

What worries him is the increasing tendency towards violence and conflict in society. "I've asked several Ingolstadt residents in the last few weeks what's behind it? The answer was quite unanimous: Politicians no longer serve as role models, neither in language nor in action. A responsible politician must always keep in mind that he is a role model." He must choose his words carefully. "Perhaps not on Ash Wednesday, but in everyday business. Nothing interests people more than the solution to a problem, and nothing is more harmful than the whole fuss."

  1. Horst Seehofer, the former Interior Minister and CSU Minister-President from Augsburg, often shares his thoughts on retirement life in his hometown of Ingolstadt with the 'Augsburger Allgemeine' newspaper.
  2. During his retirement, Seehofer remains active in various local matters, universities, sports, and the church in Ingolstadt, as he stated in a recent interview with the 'Augsburger Allgemeine'.
  3. The Political Party CSU, of which Seehofer is an honorary chairman, has seen him actively involved in politics for many years, especially as the Prime Minister of Bavaria.
  4. Ingolstadt residents often share their concerns with Seehofer about the increasing tendency towards violence and conflict in society, which he believes is partly due to the lack of politicians serving as role models.
  5. In his career retrospect, Seehofer considers his time as Bavarian Prime Minister to be the pinnacle, stating that being Minister-President carries a heavy responsibility and a great burden, especially when it comes to representing the state.
  6. Seehofer will celebrate his 75th birthday on Thursday and shares his wisdom on politics, advocating for responsible language and action from politicians to serve as positive role models for the people of Bavaria.

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