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See like Romantic Friedrich - photo competition in Felswelt

Caspar David Friedrich is the most important artist of German Romanticism, and many of his paintings are among its icons. In them, he composed motifs that he found and drew in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.

Two people with a dog standing on a rock in Saxon Switzerland
Two people with a dog standing on a rock in Saxon Switzerland

Photo competition - See like Romantic Friedrich - photo competition in Felswelt

For the 250th birthday of the painter Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), the tourism association Saxon Switzerland "Impressions of Romanticism" invites professional and hobby photographers to explore the rock formations of the Elbsandstein Mountains, which the master of German Romanticism often depicted on canvas and paper. Photos of landscapes can be submitted to the competition that establish a connection to his paintings and drawings.

Distinctively shaped rock formations, table mountains in the morning mist, bizarre trees or wild grounds, the Saxon Switzerland fascinated Friedrich. Later, he used the motifs he discovered during his excursions for landscape paintings, many of which are considered icons of Romanticism. The photographer can now capture these impressions with a camera. Photos are sought after that were sources of his inspiration. The best images in the categories "Misty Sea", "Trees", "Sunrise and Sunset", and "Ruins" will be exhibited in November.

Friedrich lived in Dresden from 1798 until his death for more than four decades. He was repeatedly drawn away from there into the surrounding area, starting in 1799, he hiked in the Elbsandstein Mountains. At least 19 visits are documented, during which he drew and studied nature and the landscape.

  1. Numerous artists are inspired by the captivating beauty of Saxon Switzerland, following in the footsteps of Caspar David Friedrich.
  2. The Elbe Sandstone Mountains, with their unique photography opportunities, have attracted both local and international artists seeking to capture the Romanticism that Friedrich epitomized.
  3. David Friedrich's love for Saxony is evident in his numerous paintings and drawings of the region's landscapes, particularly in Pirna and the surrounding areas.
  4. The tourism association in Saxon Switzerland is taking advantage of this connection between photography and art, celebrating Friedrich's 250th birthday with a photo competition.
  5. Elite photographers and hobbyists alike will showcase their best work in this competition, aiming to capture the essence of Romanticism that still resides in Saxony's majestic Elbe Sandstone Mountains.
  6. Photos submitted to the competition will be judged based on their ability to evoke the romantic spirit of Caspar David Friedrich, marking a significant milestone in Saxon Switzerland's ongoing embrace of art and tourism.

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