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Security measures at Cologne Cathedral extended until New Year

The security measures imposed at Cologne Cathedral due to possible attack plans will be extended until New Year. As the Cologne police and the cathedral administration announced on Tuesday, the cathedral can still be entered for masses and confessions as it was at Christmas. However, visitors...

Police in front of Cologne
Police in front of Cologne

Security measures at Cologne Cathedral extended until New Year

On Saturday, the Cologne police searched the cathedral with sniffer dogs following a "danger alert". No explosives were found. According to the police, the threat alert related to New Year's Eve, but for security reasons the Christmas fairs were already held under stricter protective measures.

In Austria, three suspects were arrested in connection with the potential threat. According to the authorities there, they are accused of belonging to a radical Islamic terror network that is said to have considered attacks on Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.

According to information from Tuesday, the cathedral administration in Cologne has now made it possible for worshippers to light a candle outside the church for specific causes. A special stand was set up at the adjacent Christmas market for this purpose.

"Everyone who lights a candle in front of Cologne Cathedral these days is also setting a sign for peace," explained Cathedral Provost Monsignor Guido Assmann. "May this sign of peace grow and spread and shine out into the whole world as a sign of reconciliation."

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