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Security guards outside schools again: 65,000 euros a month

The problems at some Berlin schools are so great that security guards are needed: There are fights, pupils call relatives from outside for help, drug addicts or dealers come onto the premises. Neukölln is therefore continuing its security service - with money from the Senate.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Berlin-Neukölln - Security guards outside schools again: 65,000 euros a month

For 65,000 euros a month, security guards are now once again standing outside schools in the Berlin district of Neukölln. District mayor Martin Hikel (SPD) said on Monday that he was pleased that the Senate was now providing money for security guards. Hikel told RBB radio station Radio Eins that the district wanted to do everything it could to ensure that lessons at the twelve schools ran smoothly and that there were no problems with people from outside the school. Unfortunately, it had taken the Senate longer to realize that the security guards and their funding were necessary. Several media outlets had reported.

The district of Neukölln had ended paid security guards in front of the schools in the summer because there was not enough money for them. Following the outbreak of the Middle East war and clashes and pro-Palestinian demonstrations, there were calls to reintroduce it. Security guards have been in place outside some Neukölln schools since 2007 due to problems with violence, threats and crime, in some cases caused by people entering the school grounds from outside.

Hikel said that some schools in other districts also need security guards. In Mitte and Marzahn-Hellersdorf there are just as many problems with crime at schools as in Neukölln and more support is certainly needed there too.


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