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Second Mayor Fegebank honors Schäuble's achievements

Hamburg's Second Mayor Katharina Fegebank has paid tribute to the achievements of former Bundestag President, Federal Minister and CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble. "Wolfgang Schäuble is an important person and politician who has passed away," said the Green politician in Hamburg on Wednesday....


Death - Second Mayor Fegebank honors Schäuble's achievements

Hamburg's Second Mayor Katharina Fegebank has paid tribute to the achievements of former Bundestag President, Federal Minister and CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble. "Wolfgang Schäuble is an important person and politician who has passed away," said the Green politician in Hamburg on Wednesday. Schäuble's intellect, his political experience and his love of Germany and Europe had made him one of the great personalities in German politics. "His services to German unity will remain unforgotten, his passion as a parliamentarian will always be a role model for future generations in the German Bundestag," said Fegebank.

According to his family, Schäuble died on Tuesday evening at the age of 81.

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