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Search for the missing firefighter comes to an end.

Firefighter Missing in Swabia Floods Likely Drowned A police spokesman announced on Tuesday that there is no longer an active search for a 22-year-old firefighter who went missing during a flood in Swabia. He is presumed to have drowned and will likely be found when the water recedes. The...

An oil slick can be seen on a property flooded by the Mindel river (aerial photo taken with a...
An oil slick can be seen on a property flooded by the Mindel river (aerial photo taken with a drone).

Inundation deserts communities - Search for the missing firefighter comes to an end.

The hunt began for a 22-year-old who went missing after a flood, with rescue teams from the voluntary fire brigade, DLRG water rescue, water police, Bundeswehr, and police taking part. If he is indeed dead, he'd be the fifth known fatality in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg due to the flood.

On Monday in Baden-Württemberg, emergency responders discovered two deceased individuals in an empty cellar that was being dewatered in Schorndorf, east of Stuttgart. The victims were a 58-year-old homeowner and his 84-year-old mother, according to police reports. Witnesses claimed they were draining water from their cellar into their house on Sunday evening.

In Upper Bavaria, a 43-year-old woman lost her life in the flooded cellar of her home over the weekend. A firefighter was found dead on Sunday morning in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, who perished while conducting a rescue mission.

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