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Scuffle at FU between Israel and Palestine supporters

The conflict between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli supporters has recently repeatedly erupted at universities in Berlin. There was another incident on Thursday.

A building of the FU Berlin.
A building of the FU Berlin.

Conflict - Scuffle at FU between Israel and Palestine supporters

There was a scuffle between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli supporters at Freie Universität Berlin on Thursday during a lecture hall blockade by activists that lasted several hours. The Free University then called the police to the university building in Habelschwerdter Allee, according to the press office.

According to the police, two people were slightly injured in the incident and complained of pain. The reason for the altercation was a "difference of opinion", according to a police spokesperson. Around 35 people were present at the scene during the police operation. Several charges of assault were filed. The operation was ended after a short time.

An alliance of FU students called "Students for Free Palestine" had called for the occupation of the lecture hall on its Instagram channel. Pictures and videos of the action were published on the channel on Thursday. They included Palestinian flags and posters with slogans such as "Stop the genocide". Some people gave speeches.

In an Instagram post, the alliance criticized the university management in English for its "one-sided position on violence in Israel/Palestine".

According to the police, the attendees did not initially stay on site against the will of the householder. However, the situation changed during the course of the day: according to the university's press office, some of those involved had not complied with the request to leave the building. The university therefore made use of its domiciliary rights at around 4 p.m. and had the police evacuate the building. According to the police, there were around 60 people in the lecture hall at the time.

"Around 20 of the 60 people had to be escorted out by the police," said a police spokeswoman in the evening. They are being investigated for trespassing. The operation was completed at around 6 pm. Afterwards, there was reportedly a spontaneous gathering of students in front of the university. The participants then formed a march and walked under police escort to Podbielskiallee.

In response to an inquiry, Freie Universität stated that the university was not the organizer of the action, had not approved it and had not provided any premises for it. The university supports engagement with socially relevant issues and critical dialog, "as long as this engagement remains within the framework of the law".

"However, we do not see occupations as a suitable means of communication or protest. University premises should be used for the regular teaching and research tasks assigned to them," the statement continued. According to the press office, two courses have been moved to other locations as a result of the events.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) and Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) criticized the occupation of the lecture hall on X. Some media had reported on suspected anti-Semitic incidents. According to a police spokesperson, however, no anti-Semitic incidents had been reported to the police by the evening.

Tweet by Kai Wegner Tweet by Bettina Stark-Watzinger Instagram channel Students for Free Palestine

Read also:

  1. The Free University of Berlin, located in Habelschwerdter Allee, is a notable institution that has recently become involved in a conflict between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian supporters.
  2. The conflict escalated into a scuffle during a lecture hall blockade, resulting in two individuals suffering from bodily injury and complaining of pain.
  3. The Palestinian territories have been a source of ongoing conflict, and this incident at the Free University of Berlin reflects a continuation of that conflict on a smaller scale.
  4. The police in Berlin have had to intervene in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict at the university, filing several charges of assault and investigating individuals for trespassing.
  5. The range of opinions on this issue extends beyond the university; Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner and Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger both publicly criticized the occupation of the lecture hall.
  6. On social media platforms such as Instagram, alliances like "Students for Free Palestine" have been advocating for their cause and using platforms like Instagram to organize protests and actions.
  7. The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis has had significant consequences, as evidenced by the police intervention and the subsequent consequences for the university, including relocated courses.




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