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Screams and banging in computer game trigger deployment

A police emergency
A police emergency

Screams and banging in computer game trigger deployment

Yelling and loud banging from a computer game have triggered a police operation in the municipality of Süsel. The neighbors of the house from which the suspicious noises were coming had alerted the emergency services, as the Lübeck police department announced on Tuesday. They had previously knocked on the doors and windows and rung the doorbell to no avail. However, the reason for the noises during the night was less dramatic: according to the homeowner's 21-year-old son, he had "occasionally lost his temper" while playing a computer game. In the meantime, he had reportedly been playing with the sound on, causing the noises.

The 21-year-old had not noticed the impending house search because of his headset. The officers had also tried several times to draw attention to themselves by knocking and using flashlights. However, shortly before they tried to gain access with the help of the fire department, the father turned up with a key. The 21-year-old got off lightly.

The neighbors, finding the continuous emergencies-like situation unsettling, decided to contact the emergency services due to the persistent screams and banging. Despite the colorful and intense scenes in the popular computer game, it was merely a case of curiosities leading to the young man's outbursts.


