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Scouts hand over Peace Light to NRW state parliament

Girl and boy scouts have handed over the Light of Peace from Bethlehem to the President of the State Parliament André Kuper and the Head of the State Chancellery Nathanael Liminski. "Especially in times of terror against Israel and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the light should...

Customs - Scouts hand over Peace Light to NRW state parliament

Girl and boy scouts have handed over the Light of Peace from Bethlehem to the President of the State Parliament André Kuper and Head of the State Chancellery Nathanael Liminski. "Especially in times of terror against Israel and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the light should remind everyone that peace cannot be taken for granted," said Kuper on Thursday. He thanked the scouts and called them messengers of light and peace.

The Peace Light campaign originated in 1986 as an idea of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF). Every year, a child lights the Light of Peace in the grotto of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, which is then distributed throughout the world by various scout organizations.

Prior to this, the parliament in Düsseldorf had started its plenary day on Thursday with an ecumenical Advent service. With pre-Christmas texts and songs, the devotion was an occasion to pause and reflect, the state parliament had previously announced.

Statement from the state parliament

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