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Scottish Fans Should Relish the Drinks but Practice Caution

Scottish conductor Bob Ross anticipates the onset of the European Championships in Munich, his adopted residence, and shares his predictions for his fellow countrymen's visit. His expectations go beyond bagpipe tunes.


German European Championship rival - Scottish Fans Should Relish the Drinks but Practice Caution

A Scottish musician named Bob Ross, residing in Munich, anticipates a football festival because of the numerous fans from his native land. According to Ross, the Scottish supporters are not aggressive and won't simply sing one song like "Olé-Olé-Olé." He believes the bagpipe bands will contribute to a spectacular environment. "The atmosphere will be remarkable," said the conductor and hornist.

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The 70-year-old offers guidance to over 100,000 anticipated Scottish spectators. "I suggest the enthusiasts: Enjoy the beer, yet be cautious. Have a good time and simply be yourselves," Ross advised the German Press Agency. "I hope the fans can have an enchanting football experience."

Ross created the orchestra "Blechschaden" 40 years ago from the Munich Philharmonics group. "There's a unique correlation between athletes, musicians, and actors. Each of them transformed their interest into their occupation," explained the native of Kirkcaldy, who's been residing in Germany for 50 years.

Could Over 200,000 Fans Attend?

Scotland serves as the initial German competitor in the EM kick-off match on Friday. The German squad is accommodated in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and is excited about the presence of numerous fans. Some British media outlets predict that nearly 200,000 Scottish fans might visit Germany.

"The role of the fans is significant"

"The role of the fans is substantial. The initial estimate was 100,000. Now, I hear it may surpass 200,000," said co-trainer John Carver. "My hope is that we can provide them with a cause for celebration."

Ross yearns for an unforgettable trip for his countrymen. "The beer garden visits — that's understandable," he added. "But there's also the distinctive Scottish humor. What's the distinction between a Scottish wedding and a funeral? There's one less drunk person attending."

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