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Schwesig urges: traffic light government to present budget soon

The President of the Bundesrat, Manuela Schwesig, is urging the federal government to move more quickly in the struggle over the budget for 2024. Clarity is needed quickly on how the federal government intends to structure the budget for the coming year, said Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's SPD...

Manuela Schwesig, Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and incumbent President of
Manuela Schwesig, Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and incumbent President of the Federal Council.

President of the Federal Council - Schwesig urges: traffic light government to present budget soon

The President of the Bundesrat, Manuela Schwesig, is urging the federal government to move more quickly in the struggle over the budget for 2024. Clarity is needed quickly on how the federal government intends to structure the budget for the coming year, said Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's SPD Minister-President on Thursday ahead of a special session of the Bundesrat on the supplementary budget for 2023. "This is what the local citizens are waiting for, and above all what the economy is waiting for." She said it was time for the coalition government to present its proposal now so that the unrest and uncertainty was over.

Like other SPD politicians, she also spoke out in favor of a further development of the debt brake. "It's not at all about the black and white discussion, debt brake yes or no, are you for or against - it's about finding a good solution," said Schwesig.

"I am very clearly in favor of continuing to have a debt rule in Germany," she explained. "We cannot simply take out loans for a wide variety of expenses." The Constitutional Court's ruling shows that the debt brake needs to be developed further. The legislator had already decided once to allow exceptions for loans. This idea must be taken up. It is important that the federal budget continues to guarantee that investments are made in the economy, that social benefits are secured and that investments in climate protection do not slow down.

Read also:

  1. Manuela Schwesig, as the President of the Bundesrat from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and a member of the SPD, has urged the federal coalition government in Berlin to present their budget proposals for 2024 at a special meeting of the Federal Council.
  2. During the same special session, Schwesig advocated for the further development of the debt brake, stating that it's not about a black-and-white debate but rather finding a beneficial solution.
  3. The federal budget should continue to guarantee investments in the economy, secure social benefits, and not slow down investments in climate protection, according to Schwesig, who strongly supports the continuation of a debt rule in Germany.
  4. The coalition government in Germany was encouraged by Schwesig to present their budget proposal soon to put an end to the unrest and uncertainty surrounding the budget for 2024, impacting households and the overall economy.
  5. Furthermore, the legislator's previous decision to allow exceptions to the debt brake sets a precedent and should be further explored in order to accommodate investments and safeguard the financial stability of the federal budget.


