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Schwesig calls for more togetherness in Christmas speech

According to Minister-President Manuela Schwesig (SPD), the upcoming Christmas season offers an opportunity to reflect on essential things and to cultivate togetherness in particular. It is about finding peace and drawing strength even in difficult times. "Community. Cohesion. Peace. We can be...

Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Prime Minister - Schwesig calls for more togetherness in Christmas speech

According to Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD), the upcoming Christmas season offers an opportunity to reflect on essential things and to cultivate togetherness in particular. It is about finding peace and drawing strength even in difficult times. "Community. Cohesion. Peace. We can be happy and grateful that we live in peace in our country," said Schwesig in her Christmas address broadcast on NDR television on Saturday.

Terror and wars in many parts of the world were causing great suffering, driving people to flee their homes and the effects were also frightening people in Germany. There were growing concerns about high energy prices, climate change and immigration. "I can well understand these concerns. Especially in these times, it is important that we stand together and maintain confidence," emphasized the head of government.

In the north, people know that the sails have to be set according to the wind. "That's what it's all about. If we set our sails correctly, we will move our country forward together. That is our goal for 2024: setting sail together," said Schwesig, picking up on the motto of her presidency of the Bundesrat. Since November, she has been at the helm of the state chamber for a year. This is a great honor and also offers the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the opportunity to present itself.

Schwesig thanked all those people who are also on duty over the holidays, for example in hospitals and care homes, the police, the fire department and local transport. "I am just as grateful for this as I am for the commitment of the many volunteers who look after others during this time," she said and called for the community spirit to be further strengthened. Spending time together is more important than food and presents, she said. "Let us all stick together in our beautiful Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas," Schwesig concluded.

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