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Schwegler trusts the current squad at TSG Hoffenheim

The current transfer period is only moderately attractive for TSG 1899 Hoffenheim. The team's position in the table and its large squad are keeping those responsible calm.

Hoffenheim coach Pellegrino Matarazzo stands in the stadium.
Hoffenheim coach Pellegrino Matarazzo stands in the stadium.

Bundesliga - Schwegler trusts the current squad at TSG Hoffenheim

TSG 1899 Hoffenheim coach Pellegrino Matarazzo cannot hope for reinforcements for the second half of the season. "We have a broad squad. First and foremost, we trust the team we have," said Pirmin Schwegler, head of licensed soccer at the Bundesliga club from Baden, on Tuesday evening after the start of training for the Kraichgau club when asked about possible transfers.

According to the ex-professional, an additional backup for right-back Pavel Kaderabek is also not an issue. "We have plenty of other lads who can play there," said the 36-year-old. Hoffenheim, who are foregoing a training camp and are preparing in Zuzenhausen for the league opener at FC Bayern Munich on January 12, will start the remaining 18 games with a squad of 30 players. U17 World Cup winner Max Moerstedt will also train with the team in seventh place in the table. The permanently injured Dennis Geiger and Mergim Berisha are also missing.

Bundesliga fixture list Bundesliga table Squad TSG 1899 Hoffenheim TSG Hoffenheim on Twitter

Read also:

  1. Despite the lack of reinforcements during the transfer period, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim coach Pellegrino Matarazzo has faith in his current squad, as stated by Pirmin Schwegler, the head of licensed soccer at the Bundesliga club based in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. In the absence of a need for an additional backup for right-back Pavel Kaderabek, TSG Hoffenheim has other capable players who can fill the position, according to Pirmin Schwegler.
  3. With the Bundesliga club preparing in Zuzenhausen for the league opener against FC Bayern Munich on January 12, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim will start the remaining 18 games of the season with a squad of 30 players, as confirmed by head of licensed soccer, Pirmin Schwegler.
  4. As the Bundesliga club from Baden struggles with injuries to Dennis Geiger and Mergim Berisha, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim has welcomed U17 World Cup winner Max Moerstedt to train with the team, revealed Pirmin Schwegler.
  5. Expressing his trust in the team they have, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim's head of licensed soccer, Pirmin Schwegler, voiced his satisfaction in Germany's top soccer league, the Bundesliga, where the team currently ranks seventh in the table.




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