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Schwarz: Giving in on agricultural cuts can only be the beginning

Following protests from farmers, the German government is reversing some of the planned cuts in the agricultural sector. This can only be a start, says Schleswig-Holstein's Agriculture Minister Schwarz.

Energy - Schwarz: Giving in on agricultural cuts can only be the beginning

Schleswig-Holstein's Agriculture Minister Werner Schwarz (CDU) has welcomed the planned reversal of some of the cuts in the agricultural sector by the federal government. "The German government's concession regarding the abolition of the motor vehicle tax exemption can only be a start," said Schwarz on Thursday. German agriculture was missing out on around 200 million euros as a result of the gradual abolition of tax relief on agricultural diesel. "This continues to put our farmers at a competitive disadvantage on the European market."

Schwarz said that the German government must come up with solutions as quickly as possible as to how these missing funds could be compensated for elsewhere if necessary. "We are at a point where many farms are deciding on their future and need the support of politicians, but not additional burdens."

The German government had previously stated that there would be no abolition of the motor vehicle tax exemption for agriculture. The abolition of tax concessions for agricultural diesel will be spread out and implemented in several stages.

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