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Schuster proposes a unique plan for removing foreign criminals.

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster from the CDU party urges a special program targeting foreign repeat and habitual offenders who must leave the country. Schuster stated in an interview with "Sächsische Zeitung" (Saturday) that "if we initiate this speedy deportation process for chronic...

Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior of Saxony.
Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior of Saxony.

The head of the Ministry of Interior Minister of Internal Affairs - Schuster proposes a unique plan for removing foreign criminals.

Schuster suggested that increased deportations to Syria and Afghanistan should occur. The German government needs to take action by setting up federal deportation centers at major airports and placing more pressure on the countries where the refugees come from diplomatically. If voluntary resettlement programs are negotiated for Afghans, then deals for the removal of criminals might also be possible. "In other words, voluntary resettlement is only an option if we can take back our people," he stated.

Furthermore, Germany should limit the number of refugees coming into the country - even with stronger border rejections. Schuster told the newspaper that if Germany doesn't take action, it may only be able to provide accommodation with temporary measures like tent camps and gymnasium occupations. "The government must ponder whether it wants to overwhelm the municipalities and federal states so visibly," he added. On the subject of Islamist hate preachers, Schuster advocated for social network providers to make it mandatory for users to disclose their real names. This would make it easier for investigators to obtain a status update, potentially with a court order.

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