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Schuster advocates for a coalition agreement that reflects the collective will of the CDU.

The Interior Minister, Armin Schuster, aligns with the Minister President, Michael Kretschmer. He perceives a distinctive mandate for the CDU, necessitating a change in its approach.

- Schuster advocates for a coalition agreement that reflects the collective will of the CDU.

The Saxon Union, as per Interior Minister Armin Schuster, aims to take a unique approach in their upcoming coalition. "We're looking to establish a government with a fresh contract, something totally distinct," he declared at the CDU's election anniversary celebration in the state parliament.

"I'm envisioning a coalition agreement that would be endorsed in a public vote before it's presented at the party conference." This, according to him, could potentially attract disaffected AfD voters who aren't radical within the next five years. He acknowledges their voting choice but hopes to regain their support. "To achieve that, we'll need to approach things a bit differently," Schuster stated.

The CDU could edge out the AfD in the elections, as per predictions. They have the potential to form a union with the SPD and the BSW.

Policy over party politics

Schuster underscored his role as Interior Minister, emphasizing that he prioritizes policy over party satisfaction. "We don't make decisions to appease a party." In migration policy, his focus is on enhancing conditions at initial reception facilities at the border and integration efforts. "That's my goal."

The CDU, as mentioned earlier, is looking to form a coalition with the SPD and the BSW in the upcoming elections. In his stance on migration policy, Interior Minister Armin Schuster emphasized that he prioritizes policy over party satisfaction within the CDU, focusing on improving conditions at initial reception facilities and integration efforts.

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