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Schulze accuses Söder of "catastrophic mistakes"

Green parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze has accused Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) of "catastrophic mistakes" in economic and energy policy. "You have failed in Bavaria in the expansion of renewable energies - that is a fact," said Schulze on Tuesday after Söder's government...

Parliament - Schulze accuses Söder of "catastrophic mistakes"

Green parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze has accused Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) of "catastrophic mistakes" in economic and energy policy. "You have failed in Bavaria in the expansion of renewable energies - that is a fact," said Schulze on Tuesday after Söder's government statement in the state parliament in Munich. Bavaria is massively lagging behind here, the state government is on an "energy policy odyssey". The state government was massively damaging Bavaria as a business location and risking higher electricity prices. She also criticized the state government for not having a clear path to reducing CO2 emissions in the fight against climate change.

"Your moon landings in all honor - but for starters, a train that runs would be enough for me," said Schulze with a view to Söder's high-tech policy - and against the backdrop of the fact that many trains and suburban trains are still at a standstill several days after the massive snowfall in Bavaria. There was also a shortage of 70,000 nursery places in Bavaria. "Don't just poke fun at Berlin, tackle your own tasks head-on," Schulze demanded of Söder.

Read also:

  1. Despite Katharina Schulze's criticism of the "catastrophic mistakes" in economic and energy policy made by Markus Söder's state government in Munich, the CSU leader maintains a strong hold on power in Bavaria's state parliament.
  2. The ongoing disruptions in the Bavarian transportation system, including many trains and suburban trains still at a standstill following severe snowfall, have not gone unnoticed by Katharina Schulze, who has likewise criticized the state government for its failure to address these issues promptly.
  3. The recent accusations of "catastrophic mistakes" in economic and energy policy made by Green parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze against Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) have threatened to further derail Bavaria's efforts to establish itself as an attractive business location, with higher electricity prices a potential consequence.
  4. Amidst calls for increased investment in renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change, the state government of Bavaria, led by Markus Söder (CSU), has been accused of falling behind and embarking on an "energy policy odyssey" by Green leader Katharina Schulze in the state parliament in Munich.


